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For my Watermelon I like to put some of Del's Rootbeer into LC's Watermelon. It gives the watermelon a slight tint of brown and looks killer. It's something like 4 - 6 drops watermelon, 8 drops rootbeer into 4 ounces of plastic. The recipes at home, but it's something like that. Give it a try, you might like it or you might hate it but it's something different.

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I've never had a problem with LC's colors. Some of the colors have more of a settling problem that others. The solution is to put a "fresh" nut in the bottle so that when you shake the bottle it stirs the color up quickly. Do not use BB's as they will have a tendancy to plug the outlet as you put the color in the plastic. Use a nut; or two; as big as will fit into the neck of the bottle.


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My watermelon red recipe is as follows:

4 oz. MF SS plastic

1.5 TBS diamond salt

20 drops Del Light Watermelon

4 drops Green Pumpkin

2 drops Black

This is the recipe I use for watermelon/red (red & black flake). I use a little different recipe for wateremlon/gold, watermelon/Blue & watermelon seed. These baits are a little more translucent. That recipe is as follows:

4 oz. MF SS plastic

1.5 TBS diamond salt

18 drops Del light watermelon

2 drops black

I hope this helps.

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tahnks a ton guys all great replies i just got in some more colors and will continue to test them out. i dont have a problem with anything about lc they have done me very well. heck every one has. one color i cant wait to try is my M-f watermelon brown.

You should really like the MF watermelon brown. It's a great color!

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