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Well, ice storm took the power out and the power company said it may be a couple days before they get the power back on at the house outside Clever MO. Had to move the family to the Holiday Inn Express in Branson for a couple days to see what happens.

My grandson requires a breathing treatment three times a day so we had to move out to some heat and electricity.

Send warm thoughts or an invitation to fish in FL!!!

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Empire District said...... "we cannot give you an estimate on when power will be returned".

My neighbor called this AM and said it was flashing on and off so we might be getting close!

Left in a hurry and the boat is in the driveway. Went back to the house last night to check on things and it looks like around May before the boat thaws out.............

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Well, DOom on you they said!!!

It's out again!!!!!

Empire District is just not getting it done. All they will tell us is throug a press release saying "it's a multiple day event", it's on, it's off, it's on, it's off......It makes it tough when you've got a grandson needing the breathing treatments. They've had it up and down three times now and it's difficult to trust their service. Had to go to Panera Bread to get on line and get some work done.

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Your frustration is obvious. Trust me, I don't work for Empire when I say this, the damage was so widespread that it is going to take some time. I saw on the news last night that in Mt. Vernon, MO. they are having to replace 80% of the powerpoles to then be able to restore the power lost. This storm did a lot of damage which can't be repaired overnight, or in many cases, several days. I know it must be hard, but be patient as they report to have hundreds of extra workers doing 16 hr shifts to get everyone back on line.

Her in NE Oklahoma, the storm began with the freezing rain, but quickly switched to sleet, which spared us the power outages that your part of the MO. had. There is 3-4 inches of packed sleet everywhere and yesterday it got me. I was driving home on a section of the highway that no crews had even looked at yet when my truck decided to go sideways, forward, then sideways again and deposited me in a ditch upside down. Totalled in a few seconds! I survived, the truck didn't. I can't wait for Spring.


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Doomdart and Cal, I thank you for the kind words. They are welcome after having my head extracted from between my shoulder blades in the ER this morning. I may change my name to 'No-Neck' lol!

But seriously, it is cold and freezing here, but my heart really goes out to those (JEV) who are without electricity and water all across the states just east of my location. You don't realize what you have until it is gone. Really makes you appreciate those linemen out there at all hours in all kinds of weather keeping us cozy.

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