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EnviroTex Lite Yellowing?

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Envirotex will yellow for sure. But it will take as many as ten years to do so. I believe it is the best finish for me to use. I make musky lures. It holds up great. Another good choice is Crystal Sheen which is just a little thicker version of Envirotex. Saves a little time if you are using many coats.Mark Smith(Smuttly Dog Baits) :D

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OK guys, here's my 2cents. We all want to make our baits bullet proof. Painted well, pretty, and tough as nails.


I would say that if your coating passes the test, then believe your eyes. As far as hardness, I have found the following about Devcon. I believe it to be the hardest stuff out there. I have not had a bait yellow or fade. Many of these baits are years old. It will scratch. But they are very very shallow scratches. The bait is still well protected. But one thing that I think that we are all missing here is a factor that has never been mentioned. WOOD. What type of wood are you using? Balsa is just plain soft wood. As most of us know, you can dent it with a good pinch between the fingers. Devcon will flex!!!! I have dented balsa baits coated with Devcon by really squeezing the hell out of it. You can feel it when it starts to flex. I feel all clearcoats, regardless of what you use will flex. Some just easier or harder than others. I cannot cause any disfigurment of Devcon coated on hardwood baits. BUT...... I did have a guy take one of my hardwood baits and mess up the Devcon after it was cured. He came over to the house to buy some of my small round crankbaits. They guy asked me about the clearcoat that I use. I told him that it was the hardest clearcoat he will ever find. While he was looking one over, I turned my back to get some other baits to show him. When I did, this guy stuck the back of the bait in his mouth and bit down on it as hard as he could. That's right, this dude just bit the hell out of my bait like a shark. He put some really big holes in my bait!!!!!!! However, he never got through to the paint. That is why I use it. If a bass ever crunches down on a bait hard enough to do that to the finish, DON"T LIP HIM!!! If I use a clearcoat that scratches and dents with a finger nail, I wouldn't use it. That cut from a finger nail should tell the story.


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My 2 cents: If you are making large baits(PIKE/MUSKIE) then Crystal Sheen is your best choice. It must be turned however for about three hours. I use a gear reduction motor apparattus for this. I tried the Devcon(2coats) and had several baits fail. I just don't think it is best for large baits.My baits are 5" to 15" long. I have been told that Crystal Sheen and Flexcoat are very similar in composition.? I have dropped baits on my basement floor with Devcon and Crystal sheen on them. The Crystakl Sheen baits will scuff but they did not crack. The Devcon coated baits did crack. The baits I tried this with were made from Maple and were 7" long. Weighed app. 2 ounces and were dropped from a height of 3 to 4 feet. For me Crystal Sheen is the best choice. 8O

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