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Don'ts for Newbies

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I use a Hot plate to heat my Plastic, I have been doing it this way now for 10 yrs, never had any problems until last yr, don't get me wrong, I'm very busy have used up 5-6 single & double hot plates, but thats to be expected pouring about 18 hrs a day 6 days a week.

But last year I was making some 3 1/2 " Tubes for a customer, ( I dip them) and I don't remember what happened but I spilit my pot, it had roughly 1 3/4 Cups of 350 degree plastic in it, thank the Lord, most of it did land on the floor, BUT, Some did land on me, I have a 3rd degree burn on the inside of my right leg,it start about 6" above the knee, to about 6" from my ankle, then a 2" strip across my right foot, and about 97% of my left foot, had to have skin grafts done.

I was dumb, I was wearing shorts, and no shoes or socks, I have been pouring like this from day one with out any problems, NOT any more.

What I'm getting to is, for you Newbies, don't be dumb like me and press your luck, I know wear blue jeans amd socks and shoes, yes I was lucky for 9 yrs, but trust me you don't want to go there.

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I have been making pop molds for a moment now. Usualy use clear epoxy to seal them, but have to work so fast to get it done. Have any of you tried using decopage (spelling?) Or a puzzle glue/sealer? If so, what were the results?

I tried epoxy, maybe you need to mix it with water but i didnt like how hard it was to brush. (and its not cheap)

I like the feel of mod podge, but i dont think it holds up too well with heat (starts to peel)

I read somewhere on here about a 60/40 water/woodglue mix and i have been trying that.... so far so good!

Would love to hear more advice on this.

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I posted earlier about not pourning in the house.. I went in because of the wifey.. Then went to the hospital with a severly burnt hand.. She had me cover the counters and then i cldnt see the edge.. Put hot plastic down on the edge it began to fall and i reached to grab it out of natural reaction..


ALWAYS wear gloves and eyewear.. I was not and spent the last two weeks nursing 2nd degree burns on my hand..

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Oh Lord... I done went and DONE it now!!! Got my first worm mold in yesterday and have been up most of the night now... So far what I've learned as a day 1 noob is that you gotta be sure your plastic is completely up to temp (nit just barely to temp and then pour.... it's gotta stay there a minute or two!) before starting to pour and when you do pour (my mold is an 8 cavity top pour) do it slowly and allow air to be able to escape or you'll get hollow pockets.... Speaking if temperature... I learned that getting up to temp gradually wirks better that setting it on high and waiting.... Got way better results stepping up the heat than going full blast right off the bat....

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Don't touch the plastisol bottle without wearing gloves (either latex or nitril). Plastisol will soak through your very permeable skin. I know.. I have high levels of phthalates in my blood (above any background amount) and I've only worked on some prototypes (granted this was weekly activity). Wear gloves and use a very good vent hood pulling a lot of air. 

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When pouring plastic, I heat up 2 full cups 99% of the time, I do have 2 pots that will hold 2 quarts and have used them a few times, they are for big orders of swim baits, I heat them to 350 degrees then back it down a little, and stir more, then start pouring SLOWLY as not to spill any, have had SEVER 3rd degree burns on legs and both feet, spent 1 week in the hospital, had to had skin grafts done, that was the first/and last time I hope I ever spill any plastic, been HAND pour lures now for almost 13yrs, and only 1 problem in the first 10 yrs.

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DONT get arrogant and think "itll never happen to me".... As i type this with my right hand, my left hand is in a big bowl of cold water..... Just spilled a cup of plastic... Luckily i hardly ever wear shorts, cause it ruined the crotch of my jeans (better the jeans than my actual crotch!).... WEAR GLOVES!!! Seams like common sense, but arrogance sometimes overrides common sense.......

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