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Shawn Collins Trick Worm Mold

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Yes, I emailed him about it tonight. I am just so pumped about this mold that I thought I would ask around here as well. This post was not a knock on Shawn's product at all. This is my problem, and I am seeking advice. I have also attached a couple of pics. Unfortunately, I am the worlds worst photographer. These really look better than the pics show. One is a chartreuse/pumpkin and the other is a junebug/red trick worm. These were poured with 2 ozs. plastic and .75 TBS salt. Saint.



















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Saint, They look great to me. You said the holes are clogging which infers a two piece mold but it looks like the bottom is flat ala Zoom. Is it a two piece mold?

Also, I see posts about molds from Shawn that aren't on the website I look at. Are these custom or are there molds available that aren't on his site?

Thanks, Dave

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hey i'm newbie to this website i have been reading

thread for about three weeks now alot to soak in but

this is a great looking trick worm i have been pour for three

year for a small group of people and this style worm is one i could really use thank to every on on here it been great to read all this information could have save my self

alot of time if i would look for something like this in the frist place



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Here are the answers to the questions asked:

Smallie- It is a 2 piece mold with a flat side. It looks exactly like a zoom. It is not custom, but it also not on his site. You need to contact him. He is very good about responding to emails.

Jmik- I believe it is 6.5 inches. I got a response from Shawn this morning. He said you just have to learn to pour straight down the middle. He suggested possibly adding some softner to help the flow. He also said I could file the holes a bit bigger, but that would also alter the head of the worm.

I think that should do it. See ya. Saint.

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Here is the price he quoted me. It is a little bit more than what predator said.

Here are the prices for our 5" version, I could run a 6.5" for about 20% more.

Worm.2 5" 2 piece handpour molds

10 cavity $170

5 cavity $100

This would make the total for a 5 pour $120 plus $10 S&H, and a 10 pour $204 plus $10 S&H.

My 5 pour cost me $130 to my door. Not trying to start an argument, but don't want anyone being surprised. Saint.

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I got my mold today, anyone looking to order the injection mold That is what I ordered, I am haveing problems with it, I do not know what yet, it is a 10 pour and I am injecting it with a cyring and being a 10 pour might be a bit much for it, I am thinking the plastic is cooling to fast before it has a chance to finish the deal, if I inject it too fast I end up with cuts in the bait about 1/2" down from nose, if I slow down I end up with air pockets at that point. I just ordered the preasure pot from LC so we will see what that does for it.

Here is a link to save on the board files.


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