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Lead Molds??

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Anyone ever tried to make molds for soft plastics out of lead? I think it would work, however I have never worked with lead. I dont know what to use to make the masters with. I know Chirmy has said he makes his masters out of lead, but I dont know if that would work since you would be pouring hot lead over top of them. What type of release agent would I need? This could really be usefull if it works. I figured I am not the first to think of it. So as ussuall..HELP!!!



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Chirmy, put a light coat of mineral oil on your mold. This helps it release from the mold with no side effects. I use a small artist brush and just coat the cavity of my molds. If yoou get too much it will give the bait a real smooth finish and your threads will not be visible. I even do this on Del's molds. 8O

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