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Painting Scales

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I need some tips on painting scales on my crankbaits. I have some material with the holes in it but I need to know how you guys are using it. How are you getting it on the round surfaces and how are you keeping it from moving around. Please use as much detail as possible. thanks

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I drape the netting over the lure and fasten at the belly with clothes pins. I like scales on the bait's shoulders, not on the top of the bait, so put a couple of pins at the top too to keep the area I'm going to shoot straight and undistorted. Shoot paint onto the netting, dry it with a hair dryer, do the opposite side, dry again, then peel it off. Then use your airbrush to shade the scale area into the back and put on a solid back coating.

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Make sure your base coat is completely dry before doing the scales. Light coats with the color doing the scales. I made a scale box that works well.


A little weight in the bottom. Mesh is not real tight on the box. Plug on a stick, pull up against the mesh, light coat of paint, drop plug straight down, flip and do other side. Scales in 5 seconds.










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As passed along by Tim Hughes several years ago, use a weighted netting that you can drop over the bait. I use Water Gremlin Bull-Shot crimp on worm weights to weight the neeting and kep different sizes for rogues, warts, etc.

Shoot your paint as dry as you can when doing scales...lots of psi, low paint flow. Wet paint and netting = mess.

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Embroidery hoops are fine for flat sided baits but they don't work very well on rounded baits. I use clothes pins like BobP on all baits and never have had a problem. Just make sure your paint is dry before you put the netting over the bait.


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Shoot your paint as dry as you can when doing scales...lots of psi, low paint flow. Wet paint and netting = mess.

And if you're using rattle cans, the only reliable way to regulate is to increase the distance of the can nozzle from the bait body. A light misting goes a long way when you're talking bout scales.

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I haven't ever used the netting you can buy to create the scale pattern. I used some I found in the fabric section of Wal-Mart but it didn't stretch to form fit the bait. The best thing I have found that are free if you know someone in a processing plant is a hair net. You can find them in different sizes to fit different baits. I have five different sizes of hair nets that I have received or found my self.

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  doomdart said:
And if you're using rattle cans, the only reliable way to regulate is to increase the distance of the can nozzle from the bait body. A light misting goes a long way when you're talking bout scales.

Someone Told me about caps for spray cans that allow you to do many different patterns from a can. Here's one site.

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:)APB'S scale box is as easy and simple as can be. i just did my first scales last night (3-2-07) and they turned out great, not perfect, thats my fault. But it is really a simple method. i had to improvise on mine box, his looks a lot better than mine, i took a cardboard box, cut the flaps off,cut a hole for my hand to reach in with the lurefor painting, took the wife's clothes pin and fastned the scale fabric to the sides of the box and then i swipped a few can goods from the pantry for bottem weght. works like a charm. ""GREAT IDEA APB !!!!!!!!!!!


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For what it's worth here is how I do it. Made from 2 cheapo picture frames with the mesh stapled to them. Pop the lure between and shut down with clamps to hold shut. Do not soak with paint otherwise it justs runs under the mesh and looks ORIBLE.





Hope this helps. Just one thing though, you are not able to do scales on the top or bottom with this rig but I myself am happy enough not to have scales there anyway and just blend into solid colours. I think this is not the ideal setup for round lures but for flat sided jerks like I make its purrrfect :yay:


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Guys these are great ideas. They are however a little more complicated than what I do. Try using the 99 cent body sponges from Walmart. You can cut out whatever size you need and the thing is always intact and ready to be cut the next time. Plus the netting they use to make them has a great scale pattern.

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One thing to remember when laying the netting over the bait and then securing it with clamps, clothespins, etc...When you ready to remove the clips or clothespins, make sure you do so carefully because if they snag the netting as you're pulling them off the netting, it can pull on the netting and smear the scales you've just painted.

It's not a big problem but I've made that mistake a few times...but then again, I'm not called fatfingers for nuthin'.

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Hey guys I have to agree with Cranky Fish. I use the plastic body scrubs that you can find all over. They have a nice scale pattern and since they are a little stretchy you can make the scale pattern different even on the same bait by pulling tighter or looser and changing the diameter and shape of the holes. it works great. ;)

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Go to the flea market and pick you up some plate cover from one of those chinese dollar stores. There like little umbrella covers to keep bugs off your food. Just cut out the size you need for your bait and clamp it on with small alligator clamps. 2 dollars a piece and can do about 30 baits with one.....Great scales also. Check out the scales -----http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r246/b75nweav/sunfish2.jpg

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