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Making your own spinnerbaits.

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I am looking to make my own spinnerbaits. I have purchased several in the past that I like very well, however when I run out of them i can never seem to find the same ones in the store. So to have what I need on hand I will make my own.

I know I will need a wire bender, wire, hooks, molds and hardware. I was wondering if some of you guys could offer some suggestions as to what benders and molds work best for you. I am looking to make spinnerbaits from1/4 to 1oz.

Thanks in advance.

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You can go on line and buy the wire forms. Then just get your materials you need and put them together. Also if you have a bait you like, if you look down a few post you'll see a post by Triton Mike on making your own mold. Nothing to it. Then you just pour the bait you like and put them together. IF you need any help with it just shoot me a email.


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