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Website for your soft plastics..

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If you don't mind an advertisement on it, go to FreeWebs.Com. It is the easiest way to make a website if you don't have any experience in html/java/flash etc. I have made websites before using pure html/flash with no website builders, and I still like to use freewebs! It is so easy and non time consuming. If you want a little sample go here -


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Ok guys. Here is what I have created so far. It is a bit rough. I need to figure the taking quality picture thing out so I can put some better pics of my baits on there. The enitre color chart page is unfinished. How do you handle color charts? Do you take close up pics of actual baits? Anyway, please give me some honest feedback. Feel free to PM if you do not want to seem too harsh in public. The site is www.alchibaits.com. Thanks. Saint.

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Hey folks, yeah I know been a while since I posted. Thought I would drop my 2 cents in on the website side of things. I went though MANY layouts and finally found one that was really simple and easy to order from. I have it pretty easy when "pushing" my baits because I only make one. I look at it like this....the guys buying baits off of us are fisherman like us. They dont need a fancy pants site to buy a product. Throw up a few pics a little background info and see where it goes. I went through countless layouts that just confused me and the customer. Remember, KISS; Keep It Simple Stupid :)

Talk to you guys later,

Somewhere, butt deep in saltwater chasing trout.....

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Hey Ottoman,

Looks like a great start. I think you willfind it easier to manage a site without a forum, but you never know. If people find its a good place to hang around and chat about fishing in your area and about your baits ;) more power to the forum. I tried the forum aspect but found it something else to manage while trying to run "my meth lab" (making baits) as the neighbors call it. Too many guys get into pissing matches on forums and you have to have someone step in and moderate. One less headache to deal with. Other than taht looks great to me. Keep it simple and make it easy for the customers to purchase.

Keep on Keepin On,

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Yep, i'd lose the forum, your site is to sell baits, if you want a fishing forum, make it a seperate entity.

Also, why the Google ads? I got an ad for someone else's baits right beside your baits. If I click it, they pay you a nikel, if I click your baits, you make a sale.

I'd also use Gif's with transparency on the color chart page, the white block doesn't look right to me.

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