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titanium wire for spinnerbaits?

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Anyone know where these would be available? I assume that the difference between titanium and stainless would be in durability, tuning, etc. Am I correct? I am just starting to make spinnerbaits and I wondering whether - after I gain some more experience - I should go with titanium.



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Most titanium wire isn't tempered so that it can be worked into a shape, after it's bent it has to be properly tempered or it will be very brittle and totally useless. Stainless is the best bet. Terminator invested a ton of money and they still aren't perfect, I have 5 sitting in my basement without the main blade and swivel because the loop wasn't closed all the way and since the wire is already tempered, it's impossible to close it without breaking it.

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I have 5 sitting in my basement without the main blade and swivel because the loop wasn't closed all the way and since the wire is already tempered, it's impossible to close it without breaking it.

I had the same problem, slide a piece of electrical shrink tubing over the loop and shrink it. Works every time.:)

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The titanium wire that terminator uses is not pure titanium, but a titanium/nickel alloy. It reguires a special annealing (sp) process to bend it correctly. Additionally they have a patent on the wire. You can buy pre made forms direct from them, but usually have to buy a large number.

Occasionally, they will get one that is not bent properly causing the blade to come off. They fixed this a couple ot years ago, but if you still have the old baits, you can send them back and get them replaced.

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