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salt to plastic ratio

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Well Ive been pouring for a while know with somewhat great success. I know have one problem I am getting a stick mold in a day or so and know i must learn to deal with salt. I have just a few questions thanks in advance.(looking for that good senko action)

1. what ratio satl to plastic.

2. is it ok to ground my salt

3. how much will it change my color formulas

Thanks all

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I use 30 to 40% salt by volumn. eg: if you use 1 cup of plastic and add 1/2 cup of salt that is 30% buy volumn.

My salt is floured and it will change the color slightly. The adjustment you will have to make will be minor if at all. Any recipie in the sticky that I posted is all ready for salt.

Salt will take away some of the brightness of the colors and you certainly will not be able to see through the bait as you can with no salt. If you want to see what it really does then don't add any color to the plastic and salt. It will come out sort of like frosted glass. It's just the price you will pay for that amount of salt.


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First off you should add plastic to the salt before you heat, not salt to plastic as that makes it lumpy.

I use a higher salt to plastic ratio then anyone else but most use about a 30%. And you will find many oppinions on what kind of salt to use. I like the floured salt as it suspends better in the baits. I dont want to give my recipe away but you will need to add softner to the plastic if you use much salt. And it takes about 2 or 3 times as much color to get the same affects as a non salt plastic.

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Salt is salt, is salt. It just changes sizes by companys. You can flour any salt.

If you're concerned about the amounts then start by using say 1/2 of what we say; pour them out and see if you like that. If not then increase the salt. Remember measure everything and mark it down as you go. Don't trust your memory. That way when you finally decide on one combination you already have it written down. Then destroy all the build-up notes so that they don't get mixed up with the final notes.

You can adjust the fall rate of the bait by adjusting the amount of salt.


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I used to use floured salt (in fact, I introduced it to TU a few years back), but if you can find super fine salt (ie. Diamond - The Finer Salt at 79 cents for 26 oz.) , not only does it suspend much better than large crystal salt, but gives you a translucence not possible with floured salt. If I want an opaque bait, I will use floured salt and sugar flakes, which produces a nice, skim milk appearance that reminds me of the muted belly color of fish and rates right up there with white pearl.

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