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Lure Makers Convention Startup Committee

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If you are interested in joining the start up Committee for the first annual Independent Tacklemakers Convention please respond to this post.

We will close this post on OCT 2, 2003.

( You Must Attend the Convention!! ) 8O

So Far I have Coley, SeminoleFan, MyLures, Nathan, Chris from Al's Worms.. , Lure Collector.., MarshManiaC..



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Fellas, Looks like a great start to a good cause. It's been my experience that independent's usually have a higher quality in everything they put out the door. Only wish I could attend. It's a funny thing that I ran across this thread today, I recieved an e-mail from another fella asking me to consider starting up something like this. Keep me posted and let me know how it goes. I have several thoughts on this subject and maybe some ideas in starting an association. Just my thoughts.

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who wants to be Sexatary (coley)

:lol: He gets my vote :lol:

I wanna help as much as possible guys, but I have my hands in so many baskets right now, organization isnt feasible for me.

TU will likely be able to work up some promotional items & other small sorts.

We also have a virtual office you guys can use to meet & organize.

its located on this site, has a chatroom, dedicated forum, appointments, calendars, file sharing, contact lists, to-do lists, among others.

If you need it let me know, I'll get you in.

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If our first meeting is going to be at the sport show(If the show happens)I can make any local arrangements you guys need.But I do agree with Uncle Wes....We need to come up with a agenda,etc. and what we as a group want to get done...goals,etc..Nathan

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OK Nathan, Like I said I would give this subject some thought when I was out on the Lake. My first thought would be, why would I want to join? How will it benefit me one way or another? What would the cost be to join such an association? What type of promo's will you have for this association? What would the requirements be to join? What would be required of members to promote this association? Is this for all independent tackle company's? What do you consider independent or small tackle company's? What is the main goal of this association? I'm sure other folk's have more questions to add. But I think these are key point's that need to be addressed before there is going to be to much interest in such an orginazation. These are just my thoughts, I think other concerns will be is this going to cover the whole country or just certain parts. I don't feel that a good ol boy system will work. There has to be structure with rules, requirements, and clear goals before this will take shape. Again these are just my thought's and I don't want to offend anyone. I do think that you folk's are on to something it just needs to be developed.

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