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I know there are posts that mention this but I was wondering if someone could lead me in the right direction for a DC motor for mixing? What specs should I look for? Where can I buy one locally? How much should I expect to pay?



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Keep a eye out on E-bay for one ? I bought one that is 58 rpm and it is not fast enough, It only raises the salt halfway.

I do not know if a 83 RPM will be, it might ? I would like to know if it is because I see allot of them on e-bay.

I know on the pressure pots that Lure craft offers it is a 96 RPM AC moter and that works.

Grainger sells them for $120 Do not waist your money on a AC/DC speed controller if you go that route, (single phase AC gear motors you only get 10% reduction in speed, And I doubt you get that. AC speed controllers work for 3 phase motors )

You will need a speed controller for DC gear motors over 96 RPM

I have a 139 rpm DC Gear motor with speed control I purchase new for $450 just 2 weeks ago.

I could not find a DC motor that was lower then this, the next was 83 rpm

And I did allot of searching.

Let me know how it works if you go with the 83 RPM DC gearmotor.

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i've seen a few DC 100rpm motors on ebay for $15, not sure of the quality tho. I picked up a DC motor, with a pulley type motor with cooling fins that's almost 2000rpm will be adding larger pulleys and a dimmer switch if needed, will take alot more tweeking then just a 100rpm motor tho... but we're up for the challenge, got lots of uses for it if it doesn't pan out the way we're expecting it to....

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I did not see anything that would work for me with a quick look,

This is what I bought


The ac Motor on the LC pot is a 1/20 horse power.

This is the speed controller I got with it.


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