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Hair in soft plastics

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I usually coat my molds with silicone oil with a paint brush, so from time to time a hair comes out into the plastic. At first it was anoying, but then a idea 8O came. I took out some clippers and cut a few clups of hair out of the brush (1/8 " long) and mixed them with some smoke w/ small black flake plastic. This made a great dorsal for some flukes I've been working on. It seemed to hold up to the heat pretty well.

I remember Bass Assasin adds "hair" to some of its colors. Any ideas of other home-grown things to add to soft plastic?

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Never used hair before, but I did notice someting today. We tried to use high temp paint on some plaster molds just to see what would happen. Well the paint didnt hold up and distorted really bad. However it left the bait with a great textured look. I dont know if it is possible to maintain, but maybe if we coated it with devcon we could be onto something.


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John, I have used auto high temp engine spray paint on plaster molds before. I found you have to apply about 4-5 thin coats about 24 hrs apart and then let it sit for a week or so. The paint will hold up, but you cant do multiple pours as the paint will lift...probably because the plaster will not hold it.

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