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Electrical help on boat? please

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Good afternoon BBC. I have a dc190 nitro, and everything has worked great from the start.

Yesterday I bring the boat home from winter storage and I pop in the batteries.

2 troller and a cranker.

2 trollers work great, hold a charge, all that good stuff.

Here is the problem im facing.

When I switch on the main power switch, it turns on. Access light turns on, and the fish finder on the console fires up just fine. The livewell works, recirculate works, bilge works. Everything looks great.

Until I try to use the nav anchor lights. The light on the switch to turn them on lights up, but the lights do not. Also, the horn does not work. Also the trim on the motor does not work. And the front fish finder does not work. (when I hit the power button on the front fish finder i hear a clicking).

When I try to trim the motor I hear a clicking as well, like it is a dead battery. But most everything else works just fine, so I think the battery is good.

THere are 4 positive wire connections running to the cranking battery, and 3 black negatives. Could one of these wires be controlling the trim, front fish finder, horn, nav lights?

Any suggestions would be great. Its driving me up the wall.

And I switched out all the leads, with new terminal connectors just in case. the leads are all clean.

Thanks in advance.


P.S. ran voltmeter on the battery, 12.8 volts strong.

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Do the items that do not work have a large amp rating ? Is the clicking you hear a solenoid click or a shorting click ? When you try to operate the item/items that do not work what effect does it have on the items that are working ? eg dimming display or lighting ect. I think your problem is unlikley to be a fuse as providing the fuse is not too large and it blew you would have no power period.


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I had that exact problem. It was mice getting in the boat chewing wires and shorting out some fuses in the bow section behind the panel on my Ranger. Hopefully that's not your case because it can be a real pain getting to some of the areas the little things can get to in a boat. Mothballs keep them out. I wish you luck.

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(when I hit the power button on the front fish finder i hear a clicking).

When I try to trim the motor I hear a clicking as well, like it is a dead battery. But most everything else works just fine, so I think the battery is good.


Sounds like you have juice, just not enough of it. All of your non working stuff is controlled by the cranking battery. Try this simple test. Turn the key and try and turn the motor over a few times. If the battery is weak then your starter should just "click" too. If it turns over good, then I'd start looking for poor conections

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Well, i figured out the problem. It wasnt a weak battery, although its possible it is on the weak side. The wire that runs up to the front for the fish finder had gotten chewed on (F;in rodents), it wasnt all the way through, just enough to peel some skin off, and that bare spot just happened to be touching abut the only bold in the boat.

I basically had to shread the entire boat looking for it. but im up and running now :).

Thanks for all the suggestions, and of course one of them ended up being right :)

thanks again


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When I store my boat for the winter I place a Bouncy Dryer sheet in each of my boats compartments. Mice etc don't like the smell of them.

I store my boat on a farm by me.. They also use Bouncy Dryer sheets in their boat and large travel trailers in the large butler style garage, never had any problems ever...

They also smell nice in the spring. Moth balls take a long time to get the smell out of the boat...



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