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devcon 2 ton epoxy

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I like to mix equal parts on a square of tin foil, mix for about 45 secs, if you mix too quickly it will develop air bubbles. After it is well mixed I just brush on, I usually brush an excessive amount on and brush most off to be sure I got complete coverage. If you are doing a crankbait or such you will want to place the bait on a turner for a few hours. JIM

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Mix it up, spread it on with a brush, and clean your brush with acetone.

Make sure that you rotate the bait slowly for at least 20 min. like Celtacav said to level out the epoxy. Then you can hang the bait to finish drying. BUT, if the temperature in your drying room is less than 75 deg. rotate the bait for 10 min extra for every 5 deg. The colder it is the slower it cures.


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The long cure has 2.5 tons psi. The 5 min has 1.5. However, from my experience, Devcon will crack on sharp edges and corners. You don't even have to do anything to it. It will crack eventually on its own on a sharp edge. I made a crank once and it turned out real nice. 4 days later the back end of the plugs clearcoat on the edge of the tail just cracked completely through. All of the way to the paint. If you just dull the edge so that it is not sharp it will do just fine.


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