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Need help please!!!!!!!!!

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Ok i Can't pour a laminate the way that guy told delw i pour half open in one motion close it up hold that side on the up hill side and try to pour down the hole it doesn't work i try it several time now and with the 2oz of salt to 4oz of plastic mix. and i try it a hot hotter and hottest it won't work any help would be great

Thanks Thomas

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No. For example, look at the tail of a zoom finesse worm in baby bass color. You will see that it is not exactly half and half on colors. At the ends of the baits, it will be one color. Only the middle parts are truley half and half. I am sure I just confused you, but someone will be able to explain it a little better. Saint.

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I think the mold design has everything to do with how well you can get 2 colors and not as much how you pour it.

I make my 2 piece molds with a chamber that is the width of the mold and at least 1 1/2" high that feeds all the cavities at once. This puts more hot plastic over the baits and helps fill them and you dont have to top off the baits this way. Here is a ruff drawing of one side of the mold that shows what I mean.


Then to get good bait I pour the bottom color first in an open mold. Then i close up the mold and stand it up and pour the top color very hot at about 360 deg. I get perfect baits every time this way.

You do have a large plug of plastic to cut off, but I just throw it back in the cup then done to use the next time.

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