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Predator Bass Baits

Help please, Maybe hot molds ?

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Hey Guy's I got my pressure pot fired up today, ( I will post pics soon )

Anyway I had to use it.

I have 10 molds that are 5 1/4" 4 pours.

After 200 baits the molds were getting hot and then my worms would not pour right. the top 3/4 to 1" would get a void or loose spot, it was not from trapping air, I kept trying and the next 125 baits everyone of them had them so I had to quit, , sure wish I would have quit before that many.

Is it possible the molds are just to hot ?

They did not seem that hot as I have run 100 baits with my presto pot with no problems and those molds seemed hotter ?

Or could it have been the plastic was to cold ?

Any help would be great.

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I don't think your molds are too hot. I have poured tons of sticks with one mold, to the point I needed leather gloves to hold the mold. If my math is correct you only used each of those molds 5 times, should handle that no problem.

Are you injecting them or just doing a pour?

How much plastic did you start with?

Did you have problems towards the end of plastic getting low?

After problem starts did you try and shut pressure off to see if anything changed?

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I tried again and the Exact samething just happened.

I am going to play with temps on the plastic. One bad thing is I do not know the temps of the plastic. I need to find a way to get a probe sealed inside the pot.

I did remove the lid a couple times and zapped the plastic with a raytec gun and plastic was 335 deg. so I turned the pot up and ended up burning a half gallon of plastic zap gun said it was 365 when it burnt.

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Could it be that the plastic level is too low after 200 baits? If it is happening at the same point more than once and (as jmik said you've only used each mold 5 times) I'd have to think that it has nothing to do with the molds.

I'd make sure the plastic level isn't too low and that you're getting proper pressure from the pot as the plastic level changes. Just my thoughts though.


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I'll try to explain it one more time ;) hopefully better this time

what is happening is that you have more salt per plastic towards the bottom of the pot salt settles no mater how much you stir it.

because your mold is hot and your plastic is hot the plastic will take longer to cool that allows the salt to settle faster to the bottom of the mold.

When this happens ,the plastic that is sticking to the side orginally when the mold is filled is being pulled as the salt settles to the bottom, basically because the mold is hot the salt will settle pulling the plastic from the side causing dents.

hope that explains it better.


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I understand what your saying del,

I dumped 1 gal in the pot and got 200 baits out when this happens, probably another 200 to 250 baits still in the pot,

Today I let the molds cool when this happened for about 10 to 15 mins. the baiits poured full again but this is when my plastic burnt.

Yes at this same time frame the color of the plastic turned lighter like I was not getting any salt but the baits still weighed the same and yes the salt settled on the bottom of the pot at this same time as well.

I do have a 1" tall paddle that is almost as wide as the pot and I ran the DC motor at full run of 139 RPM ( no frothing of the plastic).

Paddle is a straight paddle, do you think welding another piece of flat stock to draw the plastic up on the side of this paddle will work ? ( paddle would look like a ( L )

Plastic is going dead center in the mold, it does not run down the side of the mold as it is pouring, When I leave the pet#### open and move the mold to the next pour yes then it gets a tad of plastic on the side.

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Hey Jim,

On Saturday i was pouring on a lee production pot and Getting the same dent your talking about. I pour a hundred and seven stik on one 4 cav. mold In two hour. The mold was beyond hot i could fill it throw the leather glove i was wearing. They started at about 50 and i couldn't figure it out. So i check the temp it was at 340 degrees. Turn it down went to 320 degree no change. But then i slow the pour down and started getting better and turn heat down a little more 310 degrees and there it was back to perfect. I know this stuff has already been said but just want to tell that i was there this weekend and it was not fun. Also I think the biggest thing your up aganist is you have a new machine. That you haven't run much an like any production machine, you have to get a feel for it ,work out a few bugs do the time go throw some learning curve which sucks always. That Just a little thing i learn after fighting offset printing press for 9 years now an counting Good luck and you'll get it.


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no you need to drill one big hole in each paddle of the stirrer but they need to be staggered for each paddle one high one low.

the best way to had a mixer is to have the paddle less than 1/2" from every edge, including the bottom.

even though your filling the mold wether touching the sides or not when its full it touches the sides, when it starts to cool the weight of the salt pulls down, hence pullling your plastic that was already on the side towards the middle.

the plastic that is on the side when it hits the alum pretty much sets( gets colder ) even if the molds are hot. the middle of the bait is still soft.

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Thanks Guy's

Well I do not know for sure, need more testing.

I do know the plastic was too hot.

I ran it without salt and poured my favorite frog molds and those things the plastic cannot be too cool or the feet will not pour full, I adjusted and checked temps closer this time and it looks like the plastic was about 60 deg too hot as my temp controller was 60 lower this time.

I will pour again with salt at the cooler temps and see what I get.

Del, The paddle is only 1" tall should I put a taller paddle on it ? I would not be able to get a big hole in the 1"

Paddle is about 3/16 off floor and 3/8 from edge.

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One inch tall is fine just pop a 1/2 hole in it then offset the , of course bigger is better but it will do the trick.

don't forget if your paddle is very thin adding a very big hole to it will make the paddle break or bend at the thinest points.

you can get real fancy with paddles and make them mix extreamly well just by adding a series of holes in different locations on each paddle.

its one of those things were you need to watch the paddle and the plastic move, it might be best to take clear plastic with the salt and add some black fleck and watch how the black fleck moves around.

that will tell you how it will mix.if black fleck stays on the edge or the bottom you can adjust to that.

what ever you do dont bend the bottom or top tips of the paddles as it will put to much strain on the end play of the motor.


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