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This is driving me CRAZY!! Please help.

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Hey guys. First, I am new to the plastics pouring. I got into this to produce baits in one color (but have made some other cool ones in the process, it is addictive:) ). I am trying to get a color that resembles Yamo's 198 (Brown Grape) or Zoom's comilin. When I pour I get baits that are brown and do not fade to purple in light or i just get purple baits. Matching with salt added is even harder. I have searched the site and found a couple of questions about this color, but no responces. Can anybody help? This is driving me NUTTS:mad: .

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Thanks, Guys. It sounds like the Brown grape is what I need. I feel stupid that i did not look around more, and wasted alot of plastic trying to do it myself. I should have ask the experts a month ago.

Do yawl have a recomended Dose of color for about a cup plastic? Thanks again.

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