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powder paint eyes

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get a quarter inch dowel, cut it into 5 inch pieces and use a pencil shapener to make ends of various sizes. Start by using Acrylic craft paint you can get from wal mart for about 44 cents a color. You will need white, red and black. Start with a large ended dowel piece and place a little white paint on a flat surface.....touch the dowel end to the paint gently and put it on the jighead.....one on each side. Let this dry thoroughly and then use a smaller dowel end to apply a black pupil to each white eye.....let dry thoroughly and coat with clear fingernail polish.

You can use red/white, black/red, black/white combinations, depending on the color of your jigs to begin with. Some prefer yellow/black, yellow/red also.

After dipping the dowel in the paint, and trying several jigs, you quickly learn how much paint is good to have on the dowel......I sometimes try it out first on a scrap of paper before hitting the jig.

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