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Static charged glitter

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Here's a little trick that might help.

If you are using floured salt, I imagine regular salt would work too. Take a small amount/pinch of the salt and put it into the bag or container and shake it around. You can also swoosh your scoop around in the salt. Something about the salt makes the glitter loose its static. I also use the salt to clean out pyrex cups with. Just rub a 1/8 tsp around and the glitter will fall out. Try it and see if it works for you.

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We use a lot of Statiguard products at work. They are pricey and many are regulated by the government. Zerostat guns work nice. The best bet may be to dispense your glitter via a suspension. Just add glitter to worm softener, hardener, scent, etc... You would need to test for compatibilty and find a suitable medicine dropper (I like using the large plastic droppers used for giving infants and toddlers medicines).

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