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Reaper lures

very unhappy with Calhoun plastic

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I called Chuck because a friend and myself are considering buying an ijection machine. I thought I would give Calhoun a try because of all the talk here. Well I asked him to send me some tube type hard plastic. He suggested Medium. I tried it and I had one hell of a time getting it to turn clear when it did it turned muddy water brown and then quickly scorched??????????? It probably took me a half hour just to get it to turn. I smoked and stunk so bad I had to leave the room before it even scorthced. For a medium grade of plastic it was very soft almost the softness of M-F super soft.

I am wondering if I recieved a bad batch or if more people have had this trouble please help before we spend a lot of money and wind up dumping it all down the drain. I am looking for a tube grade plastic what kind should I get from calhoun for tubes the medium seems way too soft. My first impression was not good please pass along any tips you may have. I realy want this plastic to work just don't want the major hassle I got so far. I will add I used a large amount due to dipping in my pan for tubes

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I have delt with Chuck on many occasions and have found him to be very helpful. If you want a certain hardness for your tubes, create a mix using raw plastisol you have now. Test it (heat it), if its consistancy when cured is to your liking, send Chuck the raw formula of plastisol (uncooked). I believe they need a 10 oz or so of plastisol. They have a chemist on site that will duplicate what you send them with Calhoun plastisol. They have done this on my tube formula (I dip all mine)and its outstanding.

Above all keep in mind that this business is trial and error... Good luck !!

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