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im thinking of getting into the game and had a few questions.can you pour into 2pc aluminum molds with the lee pot,and do you still have to stir with the lee pot,and does it keep it at the right temp to just keep pouring again and again,and what about clean up with lee pot.also when you pour in a 1pc mold do you just pour at 1 end and the mold fills up evenly or do you start at 1 end and slowly move to the other,thanks for any info,im sure i will have tons more questions.

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Lee pots work good , however you don't use salt in them( unless you modify the spout) and you need to stir to keep the glitter consistant.

They have there place. its mainly for non salted baits.

they will keep the right temp. however you need to find the sweet spot,

easy to clean up using a wire brush on a drill motor.

for one piece molds usually best to start at one end and move the mold.

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I never used pots, just pour them out of pyrex cups heated in the microwave. Baits come out consistently. ( weighed on a gram scale) Just need to make sure that you are always stiring so the salt and flake stay up. It's a great hobby and a terrific business for some. You are only limited by your imagination, spouse's tolerance level and cash your willing to invest.

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How do you modify the spout? I use a lee pot with salt in the plastic, but I have to pour some out while I stir to mix the salt properly to get a steady stream of plastic before I fill the molds.

You can drill the spout out bigger, try one size bigger at a time. I ended up drilling one 2 or 3 sizes bigger and it drips.

When pouring 2 piece molds you can un-bolt the bottom platform and turn it around so you can get the molds under it, you will need to clamp the pot down when you do this or drill a hole or 2 in the base and screw it to the table.

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