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Taking pictures

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What did you need to know? Posting pics? Taking shots for the internet? Storing on a site like Photobucket? Downsizing photos? Altering photos?

I have a Canon digital which I use with a small tripod, set the automatic setting to macro and use the timer. Nice clear shots everytime, even with no flash indoors. I use the photo program that came with the camera, crop out the unneeded background, crop to 4 or 5" and upload to photobucket,

copy the img link on photobucket and post in e-mail or on a forum.

Outdoor lighting is best and you don't need a tripod except for super close shots.

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I have a sony cybershot 7.2mp. I am tryinig to figure out how to take a really good clear pic like I see the others take. I have tried the macro no flash and macro w/flash, but nothing is what I want. Some people can take a pic containing the entire bait and the color and flake detail is perfect. For me to get the color and flake detail to show up I have to be so close that I get about 1-2 inches of a stick. I may be asking for a miracle, but it worth a shot. Saint.

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It depends on the lens and it's resolution for close ups. My previous Olympus was limited and to make due, I mounted a magnifying glass in front of the object, used a bright light and a tripod. The pictures came out decent, but not of the same quality as my current camera.

Macro and wide-angle lens and lens adapters are sold on Amazon.com for various cameras for less than $20. I just bought a polarized lens and haze lens for outdoor work. The shipping was outrageous, but the color quality is much nicer.

If you use a photo program (ie. Microsoft Digital Image for $19 on Amazon), you can sharpen and control contrast, brightness, color saturation, tint and quite a few other options to enhance a picture to your taste. It won't do much for a picture that's too dark or blurred, but it's a tool that I always use to make the final picture what I want it to be.


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That cybershot is a good camera,

use the macro and also make sure you pic the proper lighting ( they give you a choice)

you can also build a light curtain and use lighting they are cheap to build and work very well ( I like them a lot)

its all about learning to use the camera I got a long ways to go.

as far as close since you have a 7megapixel camera just get as close as you can then crop the pic in a picture editor when you have the pic full size.


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Frank; are you promoting that tea, lol.:lol:

Nice pic though.com

You'll never guess how old that ruler is! Nice pickup. :lol:

Damnpeoples - great site!! I love photography and will call their customer service before ordering more lenses for the Canon. Before I got the polarized lense, I used my sunglasses over the lens to get deeper colors and cool reflections:


I don't use a macro lense for the A540 and the resolution is in mm's under a florescent light! Well worth the $160 I paid for it and there's no reason to upgrade to an SRL digital. Even the videos come out great!

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