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finally found a low cost low rpm stirer

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Hey guy found a good stirer. It ones of those cheap turn your cord drill into a drill press at sears 39 dollars with cheap drill roybi 3/8 29 dollars and router speed control 27dollars work great good speed a little bit of ajustment in it. Let me WARN YOU That the router speed control has a toggle swicth on it that you don't want to touch on it. I hit it last nite and payed dearly for IT. my right arm is burn badly left ear burn Luckly i was wearing eye protection and face mask an hat. Other wise my face would have been burnt bad also. I is a good system you just have to be smart about it turn the trigger off on the drill an don't try to turn it off on the speed control. Make sure you build some sort of lid with these presto pots it you use a stirer that has high speeds on it. Good luck be careful i have been pouring for a while close to five years this is my frist bad burn. Please wear safety glass save my eyes last night.


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got dels two piece trick worm and it run nice having a little trouble right above the tail getting it to pour full circle's but hopefully i get it running better tonight but it going to be a great bait and it is a nice mold i had better success hand pouring it than out of my lee pot on the not filling all the circles thing i need a little more practice with it i think. The Arm is healing good for having 18 burns from the elbow down i have up my safety alot leds and clean work station were my two major down fall thanks


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I'm a lurker from the hard baits forum, with a history of making SW Softies. We use a rotisserie motors from the garden section of Wal-Marts to turn plugs. The RPM is about 4 per min. I don't know if that helps, but they are inexpensive and readily available.

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Tom, you might need to get the plastic hotter to pour it full.

I have not used my pot for awhile now that I have the new one, but I had to have the pot set at 400 to have the plastic hot enough and then you can start to turn it down a tad after a bit.

I never went under 375 on it, the plastic is not that hot, it just takes that temp setting.

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Hey printertom,

Hows the stirer working out, and what kind of paddel are you using. i tried the low speed hand held but it just put bubbles in the plastic. But the presto pots rocks. ripped out 32 oz of plastic without burning the plastic now i just need more molds. Hopes those burns are heald up.

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the stirer working out good it i took one of paint mixer home depot and ripped some of the paddle out slipped a 1 1/2 inch alum flat stock and screw that to it and drilled 4 1/2 inch holes in that i have some pic that i'm going to try to get up for you in a couple of days my sister in law gettin married and me and my wife are in it so i'm just trying to keep up for a few week thanks the burn are good that was a stupid mistake and hopefully it won't happen agian because you don't get a lucky as i did that many time thanks for asking


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