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New Member: Soon to start pouring.

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I am 16, going to be pouring on a budget.

Got some questions:

Can you melt salt-impregnated worms for use in molds?

Have any of you made plaster molds? If so, how did they work for you?

To what consistency should plastics be melted before pouring into the mold?

Do you add eyes before the plastic sets or glue them on after?

I am making a list of stuff I will need. If you see anything missing please tell. I am making my own plaster molds.

Could I heat the plastic on a regular oven in my pouring pan or should I buy a warmer?

Liquid Plastic


Pouring Pan



Thanks in advance,


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I got mine from my brother also. Full face 3M high end. The price tag was $100. I only use it in the winter months when I can't open the door and windows in my shop. I also have an exhaust fan. If I'm only doing a quick pour I don't alsways use it. I have a beard and the mask drives me crazy(itches) and makes it hard to consentrate.


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The key to respirators is having replaceable Organic Vapor cartridges which is needed for plastics, along with activated carbon pre filters. The cartridges only last for about 40 hours use, as long as you put them in a zip lock bag. I also put mine in a coffee can. If left on a hook or the work bench the cartridges are only good for about three days. I keep an index card taped to the can and use tick marks to keep track of elapsed usage, along with installation date.

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