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yes, if you look at my gallery, there are a few pics of frogs I've done with it.

lemme rephrase that - when I first bought it, i went and painted some frogs, the little one's in the gallery, and couldn't rub that stuff off for the life of me. That was late summer last year, maybe as late as early fall.

Painted some more late winter (when it actually gets cold here), ad had different results, so I got some more, same deal. I paint outside, and have not tried it in the warmer weather, so it might need to be warm before it bonds properly.

I have no way to test this without a heated environment to paint in, so if you find different, let me know.

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I tried painting with Plastikote Fussion, it's supposed to work on plastic...maybe it does but not on "soft plastic". I tried lure dip, I used a fine brush and the baits looked awsome!....for about three days, then the dip bled all over and I was left with a pile of crap. Back to square one and order some paint from LC........

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