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tying knot

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Make sure you have enough line spooled on as well. Sounds like you must be playing fish to the end of the line or casting to the end of the spool if you have lost your spool tie. I think the knot that Norcalbassin mentioned is fine, but you still don't want to be at the end of the spool against a large bass.

Curious if this thread will reveal a much better knot. Might end up needing to link to diagrams.

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I totally sympathise. This knot application is a nightmare, the only time that it will be tested is with a huge fish.

My solution is to drill a 1mm dia hole through the drum core face (check the inside for a suitable location). Thread the line through and out. I then tie the line to a piece of coc,ktail stick with a small nick cut to stop the line from slipping off.

The result is very simple to tie and very secure. No stubby ends to inhibit the cast.

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I have never seen this problem with mono or fluorocarbon. If you are using braided line you will have a tough time keeping the line from slipping on the spool with any knot you tie. Add a rubber band or electrical tape to the center of your spool then tie any good knot and spool it up. Fill it to about a quarter of an inch from the rim of the reel. That should stop the slipping.

One tip on your knot placement if you fish a long cast spool. when you tie the knot, trim you tag as short as possible and slide the knot to the top of the spool. This will keep your tag end of your line from interfering with the line as it comes off the spool when casting.

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I think Palmetto hit er on the head, if you're not using a braid than something is seriously wrong. Assuming you are using a braid, other than the rubber band or electrical tape, I just use some cheap mono as backing. It not only prevents the line slipping on the spool, but saves money as it doesn't take as much braid to fill up the spool.

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