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pouring problem

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First, be careful! Wear eye protection, gloves, long sleeves, etc.

Second, it's possible that the spout is clogged, while it's cool, run a wire in there to try to clean it out, I use a SB frame, but anything will do.

Then, once the pot is hot, and the lead melted, I'll clean it out again, in the same fashion. This normally clears any problems I have with my spout, providing the lead is melting, and the rod lifts like it should.

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I think the harder the lead, the worse it gets clogged. As far as prevention, I would think that the purest, softest lead that you can get would be your best bet. The spout will clog from time to time, I keep a SB frame next to it, and just run it around the inside of the spout from time to time.

Not sure about the wax, but I've read that one the site as well, you could search for it, see what it helps, specifically.

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Are you letting the lead get low in the pot? I learned a long time ago that the best way to avoid the problem you are having is to always premelt the lead outside before putting it into your pot.

Also try to keep the pot at least 2/3 the way full when pouring. The more lead in the pot means more weight to push it out the discharge barrel. The more weight the faster the discharge meaning less of a chance of trash collecting or sticking in the plunger recepticle.

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