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solid ring ball bearing swivels

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Firstly you will need to decide what you want Quality or Price. Best quality generally comes out of US or Japan and best price is obviously coming out of Asia and principally China. Sampo is a top quality US brand. If you are talking about reasonable quantities I suggest you contact them direct. See: http://www.sampoinc.com/products.htm and here's there Contact and Sales Reps page: http://www.sampoinc.com/contactus.htm Hope this helps.

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I tried every ball bearing swivel under the sun before opening my business with the hopes of finding one cheaper and the same quality of Sampo. My opinion is that there is no other on the market that compares in quality to Sampo so that is the only one I use. I am willing to pay more for the quality.

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Thanks for the info. One note of interest - I tried to contact a bunch of Sampo reps and their #'s are not working. I called Sampo and was told no one was available to take my call. Hello? Hello? is anyone home?

I tried e-mailing. I'll let you guys know what happens.

BTW, the Cabela's premium swivels are pretty good, but I agree that Sampo is the best. I just don't know whether marketing a bait with Sampo swivelas is economically feasible. However, I am also looking at retail pricing.


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Pete, I cant help you anymore than that. I am not that knowledgeable about swivels. I gave you the best US name I know who are still reasonably priced if there is such a thing which I believe there is as quality always justifiably costs. Just like everywhere there are US companies that sell overpriced crap and there are those that sell good and excellent quality. Sampo is certainly in the latter and has always had an emphasis on quality. Ask others and I think you will find Heavycover is right. I am not a US citizen, I live outside the US, and have no involvement with Sampo but even I know their name and associate it with quality and swivels that will stand the pressure and conditions. Read their About Us page: http://www.sampoinc.com/aboutus.htm ,try some of their swivels as samples and I think you might agree. I do know they use Sampo here in the Marlin industry which quickly sorts the stuff out and that Sampo is very highly rated. I suggest you contact them discuss what you are after and if you find they are still too high it will give you a ballpark and standard to compare against. If you are talking reasonable figures all companies are generally prepared to move anyway. I do know one thing if you have a really good fish on and the swivel parts you never forget it and curse your own stupidity. Most times the line will break though and just like good braid most swivels will stand about 3 x the pressure before they even look like breaking.

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I agree with you about Sampo being the best. I use Sampo for almost all my swivels. I should have been thinking about wholesale prices instead of retail prices.

I do appreciate your help; especially your posting the links to Sampo. I will try giving them a call again.

Thanks again,


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I tried Sampo again and the prices weren't so bad! They were a good bit cheaper than I thought; I hadn't been factoring in that I was buying them retail in 2 pks. versus what I would pay wholesalewhen buying them by the hundred or more.


Thanks again for your help and input - you opened my eyes to something that I hadn't really considered.


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Pete, I do know one thing and that is that No one ever regretted buying quality. We may regret what we pay for it but we never regret the quality aspect. For that reason you just have to watch who you are dealing with and because you are often paying a bit more per unit you have to bargain harder and ensure the goods are up to standard. That said you are often dealing with quality people who will stand by and support their goods. No one builds a quality reputation and maintains it for long by employing inferior people. Sure like all of us we can all make mistakes but often the person quickly trips themself up and the company gets rid of them and honours its personal commitment anyway.

In my life I have found there are 4 groups of people I dont trust and I have yet to meet a totally honest one and thats Politicians, Real Estate Agents, Auto Salesmen, and Lawyers. Even the best of them dont match the worst Fisherman so it dosnt say much for the rest of them.

Like I said Bargain Hard, and Good Luck.

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