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Eletronic Fish Call ??

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Does anyone remember and couple years ago they came out with a eletronic fish call, that gave off sounds of schooling fish of sorts, I think it had 3 different calls in it, that can be set. It is a unit that is inside the boat and portable and a wire lead with a puck of sorts that hangs in the water. What was it called ??? Where can it be found ?? Does anyone have opinions about it ??? I fish local tournaments and there is 2 boats that fish each week using one and seems they catch fish each week, when others are not, that didn't convince me, BUT last week one of them past my boat with the wire and puck hanging off the stern of his boat, I had been fishing the same area for about 20 minutes with not a hit, as he pasted with in 5 minutes I had a good limit in my boat and took 2nd place:drool: made me really stop and think, if by chance he had pulled them by us ????? So either I get caught up in the trap of buying into a gimic or save my money and just follow this other boat each week :yeah: any advise or thoughts or first hand accounts ??????? chime in:twocents:

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Dont know anything about the BSX Fish Activator but imagine it is principally designed and used with bass and its an American unit largely based on sound. Certainly interested in finding out more about it and how good it is in use from people who have used it not just from the BSX site.

The Russians (scientists in St Petersburg) are supposed to have developed a pretty sophisticated unit that works on pulsed light, magnetic wave (affects the lateral line and which fish use to sense with as well) , sound , and one other source. Supposed to be a pretty effective unit from all accounts. Heard something about it in the past and came across a report just recently so fired off an email to the address on the article but have heard nothing more. Just got my ISP to switch off my Spam filter the other day as I was geting important emails deleted and put in the Spam Intervention folder. The next thing I will be getting heaps of Spam and emails from young Russian women wanting to find a husband and get married as a result I expect.

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Some swear by it , some swear at the 700 bucks they dropped for nothing. Remember, in fishing it usually only works if you THINK it works! Fish attractors have come aloooong way...anyone remember the Herters "Fish Call" ? A short pole with a metal sealed can and a handfull of BB's LOL...I'm sure you could find someone who could'nt fish without one of these also...who knows...and the FISH AIN'T TALKIN !!!

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I Have A 'fish Call Tr-vii' I Bought On Ebay Made In 1969 By Product Promotions Of Dallas Tx. I Think It Cost About 25 Bucks . Ive Never Used It, Nor Will I , But If Anybody Wants It Let Me Know. I Collect Vintage Tackle And Have All Kinds Of Junk Or Threasures Depending On How You Look At It !!!!!!!!

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Alot of the pros are using the BSX. Both Van Dam and Ike have said that (roughly) "It changed the way I fish"! That's pretty strong from a couple guys who choose their endorsements.

In a side note, Western Kentucky University is researching whether sonar eventually causes hearing loss in fish.

I'm just the messenger...Dean

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