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childrens fishing event

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Hey Guys,

Was wondering if any of you have some baits laying around you do not want, My Bass federation is putting on a childrens fshing event and I am putting together some tackle for the kids, upperhand scents is sponsoring this event, I was wondering if anyone had any unwanted baits to give if so let me know the event is scheduled for June 2 , Thanks for your time.

Jason Jennings

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Well guys ,

This event is for kids from ages 1 to 13 open to the public, I am putting together tackle packs for the kids, the Virginia Department of game and fish is giving us 25 rod and reels to use, this event is to help get children interested in fishing, we are providing all bait tackle and food we have sponsors such as Utz potatoe chip company, upper hand scents, pepsi, and the TBF ( tournament bass fishing asscotiation ) in which I am the region 2 tournament director aswell as youth director, I am going to make some baits for these kids and give them some , they don't need much just something to start with. The event is June 2, if you do have something anything you are not using lures , line, company appearal anything I am interested remeber this is for the kids they are fishings future lets help them. if interested you can pm me also anyone who sends some thing gets advertisement in the tbf magazine.


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