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Powder Paint dripping

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So I'm new to the powder painting and I'm wondering how you guys hang your jigs when baking them. I've been hanging by the hooks but I due to excess paint or whatever reason some will form a drip on the end of the head when hanging this way.

What or how do you guys hang your jigs when baking?

I was thinking of maybe a paper clip ran through the eye of the jig and then the excess would just run down the hook.



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charmer, I hang all my jigs on a threaded rod on the hook. My first reply to your problem, is to put less paint on. I never ever had paint drip, even in the early stages of powder painting. Less paint is better, you can always add more paint. Once you resolve this problem, your other problem will go away.

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You might be overheating your jigs prior to dipping them. Dripping is usually attributed to a thick coat of paint (drip has to come from somewhere).

Your temperature control or monitoring device, for the cure process, might be inaccurate. This could cause too high of temperature or too much cycling of your chamber.

Make sure your temp monitor is reasonably accurate. Try lowering your cure temp and extending the time.

Check out the word search feature on this site.

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