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Photoshop or something similar

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What are you guys using to edit photos? I downloaded photoshop 3.2 yesterday. I cannot figure out how to manually edit the pics. Everything seems to be auto. Also, is there a way to get rid of the background? Is there another program out there that is better? Thanks. Saint.

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I purchased Digital Image by Microsoft from Amazon for under 20 bucks.

Photo Deluxe by Adobe is great for doing so many things such as deleting/ adding a foreground, deleting objects, collages, panorama stitching etc.

I also use the program that came with my digital Camera.

I thought Photoshop to complex to use and put it aside.

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I think you got the cheap version of photoshop with out all the toys like cs has,

the thing you want to edit the backround is called the magic wand I believe..

you wont have the editing stuff like the cs versions does, however you should be able to blow a pic up to edit the back ground pixel by pixel. color one pixel or a few at a time to a background color.

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Hey saint there is a couple of things to think about before jump in to the software world of photo editing Del is correct on The Abobe CS thing you have a free trial version or some version less than the full copy but instead of going out and buy CS which stand for creative Suite package which has INdesign, ILLustrator, Go live , photo shop and some other programs in it you have to decide are you ever going to put these photo on paper or on the web only because any cheap software will work for just the web but if your going to use a full color photo on paper Bus card. letterhead or env. flyer brouchure you need have them done in Adobe or Quark That way you can generate a workable PDF (printable doucment File) And it can be use by all sign maker printers or web design by anyone on anyone computer sorry i got off on a rant i thing i missed the ? sorry saint if you have any problem pm me and i have my wife talk to you she is A Desktop publisher and is very good on all adobe products.


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