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Color Chart

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Those if you that have websites, what do you use for color charts? Do you take close pictures of actual baits? How many colors do you list? I guess what I am saying is I don't really pour red bug, but I can. Do I put that on my list? Just not real sure how to do this. Thanks. Saint.

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Saint; there are a zillion colors out there. The point is where do you draw the line. I show baisic colors and a few "fancy" ones; then you say that custom pourings are available. Or you can say if you don't see a color you like here email me and I'll pour it for you. Something along those lines.

Those color charts consist of an awful lot of pictures and if you hire it out it can be expensive. I don't think I would download a chart from another site; that might get you into trouble.


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We started off with the 4 colors we use all the time. I put on the site that we can make any color you need. When a customer ordered a color I had to make, I would make one extra and keep it for pictures. I always put it on the site no matter how weird the color is, our sales have increased alot since we have pictures of more colors.

As far as taking the pictures, I would use the macro function and get a close shot, from there you can crop it to size. This is an example:


Lighting and a tripod is also important. I have been wanting to take the shots in day light because I really like the look of other members sites, just have not got around to it yet. Hope this helps...Jeff

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Wow...you mean really close. I took some pics and put them on my site for the color chart, but they are not near that close. Take a look and tell me what you think www.alchibaits.com. I have not had a whole lot of sun here, so I was only able to get 5 pics so far. I have about 10-15 colors I can put assuming I get good weather. Thanks. Saint.

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Wow...you mean really close. I took some pics and put them on my site for the color chart, but they are not near that close. Take a look and tell me what you think www.alchibaits.com. I have not had a whole lot of sun here, so I was only able to get 5 pics so far. I have about 10-15 colors I can put assuming I get good weather. Thanks. Saint.

More colors equal more sales. I like the ends like that they look good. I personally like full size bait shots on websites, stay away from swatchs, they never do baits justice. i noticed yoiur bargain bin too. You used the words "leftovers" Just my opinion but I would stay away from the word leftovers, maybe use something like multi colored sample packs. People also like "click on buttons for larger view", again just my opinion

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Sock: I would agree about the wording. I would also agree about the click on for larger viewing. However, I made this site myself and have no idea how to create the larger images. I do not even know if it possible on that site. Hopefully, at some point I will upgrade to a better site. Like I said, I am working on gettin gmore color pics up there, but mom nature won't cut me a break. Thanks everyone for your thoughts, please keep them coming. Saint.

P.S. I made some decals and sent one to a customer as a thank you. He emailed me to thank me and was pretty excited. Just a thought for you guys. A pretty inexpensive way to keep contact and maybe drum up some referral business.

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Nova: if you are referring to Acadian from Nova Scotia, then yes I am. My family is form up there. Their last names are St. Germain (pretty french) and Broussard. Down herre we don't call ourselves acadians, we call ourselves cajuns and coonasses. Saint.

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I pretty much have the color chart done now. I will just go in and clean it up. I want to make it a bit more uniform. I will add colors as I go. I have 15 basic colors up right now. Now I just want to get some good pics of sticks and trick worms. Thanks for all of everyone's help. Saint.

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Looking good Saint. Your site has the basics and most of what you want and need on it. The Colour Chart is a good idea and should work well for you. Add as many colours as you can & want but always make sure it loads easily and quickly. When I joined the net here originally back in about 94 there was less than 10,000 people NZ wide online and one thing I learnt then especially with the narrow bandwidth at that time was if it took time to load I and people just didnt hang around. While high definition pictures are a pleasure to look at they can sure tie up bandwidth and time. No longer as true as then but worth remembering. Will have to start on mine shortly. Keep going and good luck. As an idea for your photos try a photo of a big man holding up a small fish and alongside a small boy holding up a monster. Basically what you are saying and conveying is "Our baits will catch big and small and everything in between."

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