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PoP sealer

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I have completed my first pours and looking to get a better finish on my mold. I have sealed them with epoxy but there are runs and the surface is not uniform. I may be taken this a bit over board but...

has anyone tried sanding sealer?? i have used this stuff on model rockets but that is about it.

I did see elmers glue works so i may try that as well.


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When you seal POP with epoxy you have to thin it down and you have to be patient. Take your time and apply several light coats allowing it to dry each time, until you get the finish you want.

I will put the mold in the oven each time on 150 for about 20 minutes to get it to dry quicker. Be careful not to leave it in too long or at too high a temp as this will cause the epoxy to boil before it sets. This will make bubbles.

I have never sanded a mold so I can't help you there.

I have used the glue thing but I didn't like it. It is quick and easy but I don't get the shiny finish I want.


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the epoxy that i am using is "Hysol (loctite makes it)" an aerospace compatable adhesive, its thin, not runny thin but i brush it on to make sure that the coat is even and smooth. then into the oven at 120F for an hour to rapid cure it. then i follow that up with 1-2 more coats.

what is happening is that the epoxy runs. I am inverting my molds in the oven to stop puddling. maybe the epoxy is not thin enough. I dont know how to thin this epoxy.

again i may be tooo anal about it.

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It's called Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol.

The ratio depends on how thin you want to make the mixture. I mix the first coat rather thin to get penetration into the POP. After that coat is set up I make the mixture a little thicker but not much. I'd rather put 3 or 4 coats that 2 thick ones. If you mix it too thick you stand a chance of getting runs and this will ruin the mold.

Remember; quick is not always the best way.


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I tested IPA (iso. alky) with some of the epoxy that i have access too, and it turns out that the IPA makes the epoxy a bit more pliable after its cured. It didnt turn rock hard like epoxy usually does, but then again i am using Hysol.

But it did coat nicely

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