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Paper tournament

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A couple of guys from the club want to have a paper tournament, and supposedly there is a chart with measurements for length and girth that will pin point size. I know there is the measurement but one of the guys said he has seen a chart you lay the fish on and it does the work. Has anyone seen this? Thank you in advanced

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The only way to do a paper turnament is requier everyone in your club to purchase a golden rule scale $20. , it also needs to be a draw tourny due to teams partners always stretch the truth. your draw partner needs to buy off and whitness every fish checked.

The golden rule has a lbs scale next to the inchs on the scale. its the best scale(ruler) in the world and extreamly accurate as far as one bacth to the next. No tournyment guy should be with out one. if I remember correctly most if not all tournaments use the golden rules as the official scale when you have a slot limit or min and max size fish.


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