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Office equipment as mold objects?

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Has anyone tried to roll-their-own-mold using office-type pens/pencils? Some of the new comfort grip gell pens look like they might make excellent Senko imitations. Bic and Pilot both have beefy thick pens with a subtle hourglass-style curve in them. I imagine a pencil might make a suitable french fry style bait. Anyone done this? I see none of the hand pour vendors are selling such a thing.

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Hey nutty,

I use all sorts of things from the 'real' world to make molds...AAAbatteries, toothbrushes, pens, chopsticks of various shapes, golf pencils etc. I even used a USB plug for the body of a craw chunk.

I just look for thin things with interesting shapes and go from there...

Problem is it's making me a little crazy, the wife too. I will be at the store looking at a vegetable and say "hey that would make a cool worm." Now everything I see is in the context of lure making...

I'm a total rookie at pouring, but I enjoy the moldmaking almost as much as making the lures.


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