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One Sock

Cost per Bait

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So um, I guess it is about 30.00 per bait then? lol

Seriously, my equipment has been paid for many times over. So I can even calculate it into the equation. If you want to know what it costs you to pour a bait, adding salt and scent and color and glitter.....only those things, the raw materials. It should be relatively easy to figure out. I'll over estimate and say that each should be less than a dime. If you bought the 3000.00 machine, you blew the budget.

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Oh hell, I know how much it cost me, I was just wondering if i need to look for new suppliers based on what others are paying for materials, am i paying too much for bags? salt?, but to answer those questions, I'm not. In fact for those that sent me PM's stating what they pay for different things, I will send you some links so that you can check some items out that may be usefull and a bit cheaper

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