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Informercial Minnow Question.

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During a bout of insomnia I saw an Informercial about a Soft Minnow lure that is hooked by the nose to impart wounded bait action. According to the builder, it causes fish to attack out of reflex.

Does anyone know the name of the bait?

If so, does anyone make anything similar to it?

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banjo minnow maybe... been around for 15yrs+ now i think... no idea on a mold of it tho, think the action is pretty much in the plastic, tho i've never held one before

Thanks, Gotta love this site. That's it. Years ago, Herters Catalog used to sell a mold that was very much like that bait.

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Renosky makes a similar bait called a "scattering shad" the main difference is it has a skirted tail.

largemouth tore these baits up so fast I kept emptying the pegs at my local tackle stores. Impatience set in after waiting for the stores to restock the pegs, so I looked around online for info on how to make my own, which eventually spawned TU.

rest is history :wink:

You'll get alot of opinions on the banjow minnow, most will criticize the bait for the way its marketed (late night infomercials) & call it junk. Personally, I always catch fish on that style of bait.

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I agree with reg8r they work but are really soft sometimes one hit and they are toast, having a very bad reputation for fishing in my family I'm always getting infomercial stuff bought for me so I use the stuff and it works. The new one that I got the bionic minnow, it came with a bionic fish finder, they work. Now I'm waiting for the snake to show up on my birthday or christmas. Will give a report on that one if it shows, all it will take is a niece or nephew seeing it and saying buy that for Uncle John.:):lol:

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