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New River Rat

Salutations from SW Virginia

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I thought I'd simply say hello to the members of TU and let everyone know what a great site this is! I have spent the better part of two working days searching and researching and reading and clicking on links and simply being amazed at it all.

Anyway, I fish the New and James Rivers in Virginia, and I'm pretty much spoiled to those flows. I used to be a guide on the rivers, but I found this gig for the state I couldn't pass up. I'm pro staff for Case Plastics, but I still find the need to create soft plastic baits I can't find on the shelf. That's what drew me here. Thanks to senkosam, too.

Anyway, I'm gonna sit back and lurk for a while, maybe ask a ? or 2, pick a few brains. If it can be worked out, maybe some of you guys would want to hook up and do a float someday. I primarily fish out of a 'toon, but 'yaks, canoes, rafts, whatever are welcome.

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