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Mike Regan

Need some help please

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Been pouring worms for about 3 weeks without too much trouble however today I tried to pour "salt & pepper". (clear w/blk flake). I got a green tint to the worm - very noticable. Can anyone tell me why? My plastic was mixed very well, tried salt and then no salt, but that didn't seem to make any difference. The only thing that I can come up with is that there is a color film in the pan because of all the pours. Do you mix salt & pepper with a separate pan? Only thing I can think of. Thanks for your help.

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I agree about the temps. I got a laser temperature "gun" at Harbor Freights for $19 (on sale). I seem to pour better at ~350 degrees, but the glitter will bleed a lot at that temp. Now I try to pour at ~320 or less. Doesn't pour as well on 'thin' areas, you just need to be more patient and a lot more practice.

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