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plastic mold trouble

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i have many LC plastic molds as well as 3 aluminum molds. evert time i pour in my plastic/silicone molds i over fill a little bit. when i trip them with a razor blade they look like crap and are thicker then they are supposed to be. does anyone have any tricks to not overpour? i am using a pot with a spigot.

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If you know anybody that works at a hospital in the Operating Room, ask them to get you some of the small scissors that are curved. They trim around anything that is curved perfectly. Normally, they just throw the scissors away after they dull up but they still cut plastic easy!!!


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If you know anybody that works at a hospital in the Operating Room, ask them to get you some of the small scissors that are curved. They trim around anything that is curved perfectly. Normally, they just throw the scissors away after they dull up but they still cut plastic easy!!!


Make sure you sanitize them so you don't get VD though! lol :yeah:

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I got a pair of quality scissors at a hair salon supply and they are super. Trims excellently. I usually pour my baits then take them to my easy chair to watch TV and do my finishing work. Not as cheap as the throw aways, but I don't have to worry about catching "something"! LOL

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What is causing the thickness problem? Is it something to do with the sprue solidifying too soon, causing back pressure on the soft mould material, I cannot make sense of the problem.

If this was the case, then opening the sprue hole would help. But I would get more experienced advice first, I am only theorising (bored at work)!

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lure craft have some good scissors that can trim real fine I trim on few molds because you can't really poor it no othe way.if it doesn't look that great it doesn't matter I don't think fish care or can tell the difference.just fisherman do if the lures good and color looks good go out and go fishing

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One Sock had it right -

It takes pouring a dozen baits or so to know if the cavity should be overfilled to create that slight hump at the end to avoid the concave surface caused from contraction. A Lee's pot is easy; a pyrex cup almost as easy as long as the plastic is hot enough. A stove top pan is the most difficult and not worth the trouble IMO. 300 is the highest temp I need.

Note: if you ever pour into deep POP molds, the sealer coat is a must or bubbles will happen (most likely from moisture in the plaster.)

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