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Matt Becker

Tubes...I need to make some

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I haven't started to pour tubes yet but when I do I will probably get a mold from dels I like the 2 part molds the best but lc makes one but I tried lc senco mold and didn't like it the bait didn't like to come out very well the tube mold looks to be the same way that and you can only make one tube at a time with that mold long process but they have a tail slicer that looks like it would be nice to use

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I picked up lurecrafts tube mold, it took a few pours to get them to turned out ok but they are not a fast production mold because you have to pull the out of the mold and you can streach them out of its shape if the plastic is still soft. It takes about 5 min for one tube unless you get many of them. Del has an aluminum mold that would work faster (thats what I may get in the future) and if you search for tubes here there are people who dip there own tubes, I've tried it but need a lot more practice. Hope this helps

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Forget the mold.Much too slow to make any amount of tubes,unless you have a lot of molds,and a lot of help.

Horizontal dip using rods would be a good start.Much faster!!Less plastic,much less investment.

There are a lot of articals covering this method on this site.

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I searched through the forum and found a little help, but not exaclty what i was looking for. I just need to make a few fror someone and maybe a few for myself, so i bought the LC mold last night. Im still looking for some rods to dip with. Can i do it with bolts? Im going to be dipping into a pryex that was melted in a micro. Is this set up ok?

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You can use bolts,aluminum rod,brass rod,I have even used heavy electric wire.Don't use wood,or plastic to dip.Wood bubbles,unless coated with Devcon two ton epoxy. Plastic is a mess.You can do as you mentioned,with good results.Making tubes is a lot easier than pouring most lures.

I use aluminum rods with coat hanger wire handles bent at a 90.I melt my plastic in a microwave,using a Pyrex measuring cup,then pour it into a small loaf pan,that is setting on a small electric hot plate to maintain the tempature.The rods are dipped horzontaly.then set aside to cool.This is a very fast procedure.It is a nice setup for making small,or large runs of tubes.You can use a small amount as 4 oz of plastic to make a couple dozen of tubes.

Let me know if you need further help.I can send you photos of my setup,and how I do it.Really not too hard to make a bunch.I have helped a bunch of people over the years.Photos are better than the written word for me.


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The hot plate I use is one from Wal Mart.I used to use the kitchen stove when I started but if you drip on the burner it will make a stink.The lady of the house would object.There fore the hot plate.

The rods shown in the email picture are made of aluminum rods from the hobby store.The handle is a piece of coat hanger wire glued into a hole drilled into one end of the 1/4 inch rod.Use JB WELD.Bend the wire prior to glueing.Usually the rods come in one foot lengths,and I make 3 or 4 dipping rods.I have Made six inch tubes with tails on each end to fish wacky style.Use a bunch of salt,and you will get a nice fall rate that the fish like.I use the tube type plastic from Lure Craft.

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First of all thanks redg8r!!! For posting the short movies and the excellent editing.I wish I could do the editing.

To the many members that contacted me by email watch this movie and feel free to ask any questions.I do need a email address in order to send the info.

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