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Dying Bucktails

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Cavu, most commercial operations use acid dyes. They're activated using some type of mild acid, like acetic acid (vinegar). For your own purpose Rit dyes will also work, and are inexpensive. Depending on what colors you're looking for Rit works just fine. Some colors, like black are more difficult to dye and require more time in the dye & sometimes more dye depending of how many tails you try to dye at one time.

Even dyeing with Rit it's best to use a little white vinegar in the dye as it helps set the color.

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I would suggest rit dye with 1/4 cup of vinegar per dye pack as well. If you want your tails to have brighter colors strip them with a mild bleach and water solution before dying them.

Also use the cold dye method to set the colors instead of boiling the color into them unless you want deer tail soup lol :lol:


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