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Winter time killer

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Hello all,

I'm new to this site and the reason I signed up is to find something to kill the time during the long winter. I live in Northern Ontario and the winter here starts in say late October and holds on tight till late April. This is where You folks come in. Currently I'm in a small apartment above someones home and can't realy stink the place up with any kind of hydrocarbons so I think I'm kind of stuck with spinners, spoons and terminal tackle for a winter passtime, now I kind of need something on the cheaper side and I'm not sure what to pick. I guess it would help if I told you that a: I fish for bass and pike mostly and b: I'm not too great at painting or carving. So What does that leave for me to kill time with over the long winter months ? Any help you folks could provide would be greatly appreciated, remember cheap is the word here. I am saving as much money as I can to start building my home in the spring then I can set up a play room of sorts to do whatever I please.

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I started six months ago for exactly the same reasons that you have stated. This is a fascinating subject and there is enough to keep you busy for the winter. I was working in Sweden, lodging in a very small lodgings.

I started off with spoons, but quickly realized that noise was going to be a problem. With just a small kitchen table to work on, I settled on basla wood lipped baits. Balsa is very easy to work and does not need great carpentry skills to get a result.

As far as painting, I have not got that far yet, but many here use aerosol paints, or just get some decent brushes and acrylic paints from an art shop.

The tools are as basic as it gets, but I would recommend a mini drill and a bunch of assorted bits, most use Dremel, good quality kit. I use a battery powered Dremel, this allows me to make modifications at the waters edge.

This hobby is largely about ‘suck it and see’ trial and error. But search on the various aspects of the lure and you will find a wealth of information. If you cannot find the information or require further clarification, you have an army of helpers at your disposal.

Good luck and post your results.

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