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Does Doug smell like a sardine???.Where can I find this Doug sardine guy ??I want to use saltwater smells to attract saltwater fish. Does Doug have any oils other than worm,crayfish and basic shad???

Will my original question work ??

Thanks Saint

I should have been clear

My main question is a two fold question

First can it work ? 2nd if so i what else can i turn into oil? clams? small helpless creatures that live on the bottom of the ocean? there is a product gap between freshwater oil scents and saltwater oil scents I was wondering if I could bridge that gap If anyone has any sugestions fell free post or if its a private recipe please PM me


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Pete first problem is that you can not put a water base anything into the plastic. Even through I like your idea of thinking outside the box. But usually if you have thought about it, it’s been tested. Sardines in plastic I don’t think so. The other issue is your posting a question about salt water when most of us here are dealing with fresh. Go to outdoor fishing it’s a mag. With a forum out of FLA. All salt, Hope this helps

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I'm with ya here Pete. I was thinking the same thing. Smashed crabs? Blenderized ghostshrimp? Emulsified Mackerel?

Making a scent would be cool, cheap and fun. And as most scent makers don't divulge what their scents are made of, water based or not, it's a risk adding a premade scent.

Us salties need love too! And scents! Make sense? Two cents?


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I took some shad and put them in a bag of salt, then used the bag of salt for the lures minus the shad. I probably would never do it again because it smelt bad and didn't really accomplish what I wanted but it did smell.:o Maybe you can try and make a bait that would have a sack that you could put the Smashed crabs, Blenderized ghostshrimp, or Emulsified Mackerel in?? Just a thought...Jeff

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That's been tried here as well but with lobster bait. The herring is put into a barrel, covered and set out in the sun. After a while the fish oils rise to the top but the smell is a whole lot higher;lol.

The main problem is that this mixture will get a lot smellier by the end of the summer if you put it into a large bag of baits. Now you might think that it is a good thing; but when you open the bag you will have a choice; loose your lunch or hold your breath, lol.


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I hope you are in good with your neighbors.

I don't see why Doug's sauce wouldn't work for saltwater fish as well.

I understand you wanted to try something different and applaude you for thinking outside the box. Without that kind of thinking, I would not be typing on a computer. I would be sending a pigeon out the window.


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I would be sending a pigeon out the window.Saint.

Ohh pigeon oil. To tell you the truth im going to try sardines in oil -well not the sardines but the oil I believe its olive oil-If the sardines have been sleeping in the can for a while i think enough of the sardine smell is in the oil so ill drain and put a spoon full in a cup of plastic and see what happens

is that a good ratio? one tablespoon to one cup?

Willy, this is the stuff that keeps me up all night I will find a way

Nova, Your right,once again you motivated me -water and oil don't mix blend the hell out of everything and wait until the mixture separates and collect the oil

Thanks Pete

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For the ultimate smell, ask Swede to send you a tin of Surströmming. This Swedish delicasy is rotting herring in a can, to be eaten raw with crispbread and boiled potatoes. I had some Xmas just gone, this means that I now qualify for Swedish citizenship. It did wonders for my crappies!

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halibaitor, I see you found your way from the kayak site. Are you a closet pourer??

I want to make my own oil from fish and other creatures. Its not fun if you have to buy it.

If they can make oils that smell like flowers I CAN COME UP WITH AN OIL THAT SMELLS LIKE FISH


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rockylinx, I don't post in this forum, but I had to read it. I thought I was the only one to try to push things to the limit, when everyone else said I couldn't do-it or I was crazy. Well my answer to you is this. Go-for it man, if you don't try it you will never know. I look at it this way if you don't succeed, it really isn't failure. What it is, is piece of mind that you get, when you finally say well that didn't work, so back to the drawing board, and the creative juices start flowing again. Failure to me is when you stop trying. I myself am shooting for the stars and looking to put 10 colors of powder paint on 1 jig. Impossible, maybe, but I'm doing it 1 color at a time.

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halibaitor, I see you found your way from the kayak site. Are you a closet pourer??

I want to make my own oil from fish and other creatures. Its not fun if you have to buy it.

If they can make oils that smell like flowers I CAN COME UP WITH AN OIL THAT SMELLS LIKE FISH


Closet?? It's taken over half of my kitchen...:eek:

I've tried making my own "oils". It's a lot harder than you would think. It's too easy to just buy some.:yes: My biggest problem is the small chunks that are mixed in with the oil portion. They cause discoloration. The two oils I mentioned above don't have the chunks and seem to do the job nicely. I like the anchovy one the best.

It's a small world, isn't it??? Actually I have been here for quite a while. I had to "start over" when the site went down a while back.

Terry kayak2.gif

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Cadman, YOU THE MAN Thank you for the encouraging words. I live for the fact that if I fail and i have to do it again and again and again. If that makes people nervous it may not be there passion (or it may be that I need medication for obsessive compulsive behavior)


sounds like you didn't distill your oils. I would definetly not use undistilled oil.If you still have chunks use a cheese cloth to separate the junk . Then let the oil sit and see if you still have water in it


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Rockylinks I read questions and post on this board all the time. I se people ask questions with out ever trying or experimenting on there own. I also see a lot of replies where people either say it cant be done or they give the wrong answer. Because I make my living from this I just cant give out all the answers. BUT I assure you anything can be done. you just have to figure it out. I have done similar things to what you are tring to do. It can be done. However when it comes to fishing the salty plastics (btw this is my specialty) I have found that impergnated scents do very little. Exterior scents that stay slippery will incease your hook ups dramaticly. First off your swimbait needs to slip when you set the hook. A petrolium based scent will act as a lube and a scent(HINT HINT) and you will also need to add some type of presevretive to keep you scent from rotting (SALT HINT) I know you want to make your own but you should check out some uni-butter it will acomplsh waht you are seeking

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Hey Rocky,

I saw on one of the recommended scent sites they have a ghost shrimp oil...

I've done well in the past using ghost shrimp in the kelp and in the bay.

I made some Ghost shrimp oil in the bed of my truck once, I left em in a tupperware and forgot about em for a week or so...the stinky oil really does rise to the top. Don't tip the container though, or you'l have birds following you around for weeks.


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sounds like you didn't distill your oils. I would definetly not use undistilled oil.If you still have chunks use a cheese cloth to separate the junk . Then let the oil sit and see if you still have water in it


The chunks were very tiny and went through the cheesecloth, and I don't have a way to distill the oil so I gave up on adding that gunk to the plastic. The next paragraph tells you where I used it. I don't have water in the mix.

I do mix whatever I like the smell of with unscented petroleum jelly to make my own version of "Smelly Jelly". That seems to work very well and doesn't cost a fortune like the commercial products. Using this method, I get an anchovy gel that actually smells like anchovies. This is probably what you want to do. BTW, the Pro Cure oils seem to work as well as what I made.

I'm sure glad there are some saltwater fishermen here.:yay:


I'm with you. The scent in the plastic doesn't seem to be effective. Adding it to the outside of the lure is a little messy, but seems to work very well. I actually have some uni-butter, but haven't had a chance to use it yet. I got it for halibuts, however I suspect that it is only good for bass.

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I know this is a little off topic, but as we know anise scent works well and is popular. I found some pure very strong essence o fanise on some hippie website for a good deal.

As with the fishy oils, homemade or not, can you thin the stuff down with mineral oil?

The vaseline idea is a goodie, it must stick well, but mabye to my fingers too. Does anyone know if mineral oil would work, or is there somthing better, besides vaseline? You know, to put in the bag with the lures.


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As with the fishy oils, homemade or not, can you thin the stuff down with mineral oil?

The vaseline idea is a goodie, it must stick well, but mabye to my fingers too. Does anyone know if mineral oil would work, or is there somthing better, besides vaseline? You know, to put in the bag with the lures.


The whole idea of using the petroleum jelly (PJ)is that you want it to be thick. Thinning just makes it fall off in the water faster. The stickier the better. Carry a rag to wipe your fingers on.:wink:

I mix it as follows: Take a small amount of PJ, 1/2 ounce or so, and start stirring in your scent, a few drops at a time. When it starts to get runny then mix just a little more PJ to stiffen it up again and you're done. I keep mine in an old 35mm film canister. It's easy enough and seems to work well.


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