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The only place I see the words hand poured in the flappin hog description on the page that opens when you click the link. He describes the baits as Gary Yamamoto's and not "Our Senko" so it seems he is selling the Yamamoto product.

But the flappin hog looks like one from Dels mold. It is not the original or the new design and how could he afford to sell Yamamoto products so cheaply?

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That settles the question about whether or not he is making them. Does anyone see the words hand poured on the site?

152nd - where did you see a mold for sale? When I click on aluminum worm molds, I get a message that says there are no products to list in this caterory.

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That settles the question about whether or not he is making them. Does anyone see the words hand poured on the site?

152nd - where did you see a mold for sale? When I click on aluminum worm molds, I get a message that says there are no products to list in this caterory.

He must have taken it down. I do see his site was changed. I'll see if I can find the picture later in my cache. It was advertised as a "hinged mold" "no more lost wingnuts" There wasn't any price but it was an aluminum mold of the senko swimbait. It looked looked. I'm not trying to condemn anybody by any means as I have made my fair share (and still do so) of mistakes. He does have stuff up on e-bay and IS advertising items as Yamamoto and also states they are hand poured.


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So it is cool to copy someone elses bait and sell them, so long as you don't call them the orginal name? I mean I've looked at some individual websites [advertised here] and many are making molds of someones elses bait and reselling them. I'm familar with the patent thing, but I don't fully understand the copyright stuff.....

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So long as a bait is not patented (and VERY few are) and you are not calling it a name that could be confused with the original nor are you claiming it is the original, you are perfectly fine. It happens in the fishing industry ALL THE TIME. You see this typically with the Senko knockoffs. You are fine to copy it (no patent) and to name it "Fred's stick bait". You are probably going to get in trouble calling it a Senko or even a Senco.

When you copy a bait and call it the same thing as the original, or something so close that it could be mistaken for the original, that is illegal because of trademark protection.

You can't sell your stick bait as a Senko, Senco, Zero, Zeero, Stick-O, Stick-Oh, Tiki Stick, Teeky Stick etc. because other companies have already trademarked those names or they are so close to the original they could be mistake for the original.

If you see a "TM" or the "C" with a circle around it by a product name, it is trademarked and off limits.

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