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Hey my truck works

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well one of them any way.... ;)

So I took the kids to the lake for an hour and half and was tossing my stik baits in del-mart pink of course and pulled this little one out....

Notice the cute little girl in the del-mart shirt 2nd time on the boat. first time I pulled a 8-10 out and a few others this time I pulled this one out... both times using del-mart pink







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Beautiful Largemouth :!:

Seems like this springs hot color might be pink, Chirmy was noting some success with his pinkish handpours.

Congrats Del, isnt it the best feelin, pullin in fish like that on your own baits.


BTW I want one of those shirts

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Ive been using pink since last june.. a buddy of mine poured some as a joke... little did we know they would work as good as the do... All my drop shotting is on pink and nothing else.. sometimes we cull 20-30 fish in one area.... its a great color for all year round..

I am getting more shirts made should be done in 2 weeks....


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I remember once when i was eleven years old (im thirtysix now) i was standing on a rail road bridge and i pulled a piece of bubble gum out of my mouth in what must have been about a six inch stringer and dropped it into the water. I watched it flutter down through the water when all of a suddden this huge largemouth came up and sucked it in and then spit it right back out. It was a wild experience. I couldnt help thinking that it looked just like one of the big fish off Roland Martins fishing show. I went to some of the tackle shops and told them i wanted pink worms and they all kind of laughed at me. I remember this one old geezer said "Whats the matter kid you tryin to get your girlfriend to go fishing with you". I never saw a pink colored plastic worm until many years later.

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I take my kids fishing at least ince a week, when schools out during the spring I take them everyday(they love bed fishing) in the summer they go every wednesday and friday.

My daughter is pretty damn good and she has carried me on a few tournys(she is a teenager now and hasnt fished in a year)

I love taken the kids out.



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