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Its frogy time!

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I am working on a frog bait that I am going to make a mold for. I havent started the prototype yet but I have done some simple drawings. Now, I can't figure out why almost all of the frogs on todays market have legs that face inward. It seems to me that that is not accurate to the way a frog swims. The legs should be facing outward not inward. Now maybe this is so that weeds do not get hung up on the frogs feet. This bait I am designing is supposed to imitate a bullfrog not all frogs in general. What do all you guys use for prototyping? I was thinking daug fir cause I have alot of it available. Then sealing it in some spray or something cause it is going to have some details and I don't want those filled by the self leveling devcon. Oh, and this is going to be a one peice resin mold.


Do you notice the way this toad swims?

Frogs legs don't face like this when they swim http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SceneSevenDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10151&langId=-1&productId=-2204&scene7Path=BassPro%2f82798%3flayer%3dcomp%26wid%3d500%26hei%3d500%26fmt%3djpeg%26qlt%3d100%2c0%26op_sharpen%3d0%26resMode%3dtrilin%26op_usm%3d1.0%2c1.0%2c0.0%2c0%26iccEmbed%3d0&sourceName=images2%2f82500%2f82798.jpg&type=0&linkEnabled=false

they face outward.

What are your thoughts on this?

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The legs have to face inward to get the buzz action on the top water baits. I'm sure if the legs in that picture were facing the other way there wouldn't be quite as much action.

Now if you make a one piece resin mold, you must remember that the bait would run upside down if you are wanting to use it top water. And that doesn't look much like a frog either!

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If you are not looking for the buzz action, turning the legs out isn't an issue. I used to use the frogs that came with the Banjo minnows with a lot of success. They had curl tail legs and I would swim them just below the surface over grass/weeds.

Just my thoughts.


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So this frog does not work? http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_65972_100007008_100000000_100007000_100-7-8

I can see how a frog with a swimbait type paddle would swim better when facing inward, but I am designing a bait thats like the horny toad kinda. But with much larger feet. Once I get the prototype done I will post pics and see what you guys think.

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The legs have to face inward to get the buzz action on the top water baits. I'm sure if the legs in that picture were facing the other way there wouldn't be quite as much action.

Now if you make a one piece resin mold, you must remember that the bait would run upside down if you are wanting to use it top water. And that doesn't look much like a frog either![/quote

Why would it run upside down? I use wide gap hooks and this bait is not going to be tall bodied. I want to make it flat but wide so that i can skip it under docks yet have a good silouette.

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The flat side of the frog would be up. Due to drag in the water, the curved side of the frog would want to face toward the water (less drag in the water that way). It would be very hard to get it to swim with the flat side down.


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I have thrown every frog out there. Yum, Zoom, Culprit, Stanley, Sizmic, Cane, and the 8$ spro frogs and many more. (save your money). I hold the Horny toad close to my heart. I have not thrown Novas though I would like to try them some time. I have put some pigs in the boat with zoom baits. Don't let all the colors get to ya ethier White and Black. Or Green pumkin pearl swirl to make it real simple. I have had both of Dels molds frog and toad. Both baits are amazing in the water. Buzz frog is much easier to pour one shot. I caught 2 six pounders this spring on Champlian in 2 casts and a seven later that mornging on del's buzzfrog. I hope this helps, big name baits I don't think you can beat the Horny toad and Del's buzz frog is awesome to pour for us little guys.

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